
Non-binary people’s day!

Non-binary is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity doesn’t sit comfortably with ‘man’ or ‘woman’. Non-binary identities are varied and can include people who identify with some aspects of binary identities, while others reject them entirely. Non-binary people can feel that their gender identity and gender experience involves being both a man and a woman, or that it is fluid, in between, or completely outside of that binary.

Types of non-binary gender :

  • Agender: Having no specific gender identity or having a gender identity that is neutral. Sometimes used interchangeably with gender-neutral, genderless, or neutrois.
  • Bigender: Having two distinct gender identities or expressions, either simultaneously, at different times, or in different situations.
  • Genderfluid: Moving between two or more gender identities or expressions.
  • Genderqueer: A catch-all term for individuals with non-binary gender identities.
  • Non-Binary: The umbrella term covering all gender identities and expressions outside the gender binary. Also referred to as NB or enby.
  • Third Gender: Having a gender identity or expression that is not defined in terms of the binary options (male/female, masculine/feminine). May also be referred to as third sex or other gender.

How to be an ally to non- binary people;

  • Don’t tolerate disrespect

Whether it’s hurtful language, remarks, or jokes, call it out if it’s inappropriate. Seek out other allies who will support you in this effort.

  •   Respect Pronouns

Not sure which pronouns someone uses? Just ask! Then use that pronoun and encourage others to do so. It’s okay if you make a mistake—just be sure to correct it and move on.

  • Be patient with those questioning their identity

A person who’s questioning their gender identity might shift back and forth as they find out what pronoun works for them. Be kind and respectful—this includes being respectful of their names, pronouns, and bodies.

  • Use gender-neutral language

Our everyday words and phrases are often gendered unnecessarily. By using terms like “hi guys” or addressing a group with “welcome ladies and gentlemen”, we assume genders and exclude people. Consider using gender-inclusive language like “hi friends” or “welcome folks” instead.

  • Learning and unlearning

Most of us have grown up with ideas about what are the ‘right’ ways to be a man or a woman. We’ve been taught to think of this strict gender binary as natural, when in fact, there are lots of different gender identities and ways that people can express them. Your journey as an ally means questioning and unlearning many of these ideas about gender that you take for granted as natural and being open to different concepts that embrace and include gender diversity.


Happy Non-Binary people’s Day!