
Why is 16 Days of Activism Important?

The International 16 Days of Activism campaign focuses on generating an increased awareness of the negative impact that violence and abuse have on women and children, and the social fabric of our society. The campaign starts on 25 November and ends on 10 December every year.Every year, the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign either introduces a new theme or continues an old theme. The theme focuses on one particular area of gender inequality and works to bring attention to these issues and make changes that will have an impact.During the 16 Days of Activism, people around the world will unite to raise awareness about gender-based violence, challenge discriminatory attitudes and call for improved laws and services to end violence against women for good.Why should we care? Violence against women continues to occur at an alarming scale in every country in the world. Too often it is accepted as normal behavior and the global culture of discrimination against women allows violence to occur with impunity. Violence against women is a global problem and it requires global action. Calls for action like the 16 days of Activism are crucial because they shine a spotlight on the issue of violence against women. They are a moment to create public awareness about what needs to change to prevent it from happening in the first place at local, national, regional and international levels.What is abuse? Abuse is any form of harm which can include when someone is:

    • hurting your body physically or sexually,
    • insulting you, or threatens you with violence,
    • harassing you sexually,
    • humiliating and degrading you at home or in public,
    • controlling how you use your money,
    • preventing you from getting or keeping a job, or to see friends or relatives,
    • stalking you, by following you or visits you without your permission,
    • harming your health or wellbeing, or
    • monitoring your phone calls and telling you where you can and can’t go.

As a women-led organization, we aim to ensure the rights of women and children are protected, gender-based violence stopped and safeguard our society from violence cycle.