
Capacity Enhancement on Abortion

Insufficient  knowledge and awareness poses a major challenge for accessing Reproductive Options (Safe Abortion) by Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer and Transgender persons (LBQT). Strengthening implementing team’s  capacity in dealing with Reproductive Options brings us a step closer to inclusion of LBQT  persons in the Reproductive Options agenda where we have long been silenced and excluded.

Part of our intervention to address this; was taking the implementing team through a capacity enhancement to be well versed with safe right-based terminologies, legal aspects and guidelines on reproductive options in Kenya that will give the organization credibility during implementation.

Some of the topic discussed included;

  • Abortion Facts and Figures
  • Complication from unsafe abortion
  • Why unsafe abortion
  • Whether unsafe abortion can be eliminated by the laws
  • The Legal and Regulatory framework of abortion
  • International and Regulatory framework of abortion
  • Regional instruments and policy documents
  • General Comments and Concluding Observations by Human Rights Treaty Bodies
  • The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs)
  • The National legal and Regulatory Framework
  • Court decisions relating to abortion
  • Accessing safe abortion in Kisumu-Kenya
  • Recommendations on how the implementing team can affect its advocacy on issues of safe abortion.

This was in partnership with Trans Support CBO