
Global Day for the Destigmatization of Abortion

We conducted a pivotal workshop uniting the County Health Management Team (CHMT) and our organization to commemorate the Global Day for the Destigmatization of Abortion. Through the 3W approach, we engaged CHMT, influential decision-makers in policy formulation, in a discussion aimed at sensitizing them to the health disparities faced by LGBTQ individuals in abortion programming. By emphasizing the vital role of CHMT in shaping legislation and guidelines that directly impact communities, we underscored the necessity of their involvement in this global fight. The workshop spotlighted the intersectionality of LGBTQ identities and abortion experiences, advocating for a mental health approach to address these disparities comprehensively. Overall, the session served as a critical platform for fostering dialogue and mobilizing CHMT towards actively championing abortion destigmatization, thereby advancing a more inclusive and supportive healthcare landscape for all individuals. #march28