
Gender Based Recovery Center LGBTIQ messaging

Gender-based violence (GBV) includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and psychological abuse, threats, coercion, and economic or educational deprivation; and it doesn’t always affect heterosexuals there is therefore a need of inclusion of LGBTIQ populations in gender based violence debates and involve different stakeholders in order to seek clear clarity and stop the phenomenon as LBTIQ people are particularly at risk of GBV because they represent a direct challenge to traditional gender norms and roles. By refusing to conform to socially sanctioned stereotypes of men and women.

LGBTIQ people in Kenya don’t always report cases of gender based violence to the authorities this is because of the laws that criminalize sexual and gender minorities directly or indirectly on the grounds of morality or promotion of non-traditional values.  The following are also barriers in seeking assistance; stigma, discrimination and lack of awareness of the specific needs/issues of the LGBTIQ population.


3W in partnership with GBVRC (Gender Based Violence Recovery Center) set out clear messages that were mounted at the center to encourage LGBTIQ people report cases of gender based violence. The messages will provide LGBTIQ people with a sense of acceptance as the clear messages at the service center welcomes diverse sexuality and genders, their confidentiality and privacy will be respected and will provide a safe space and haven for LGBTIQ persons.