
Knowledge-based session with LBQT persons on safe-abortion

“Safe bortion is an issue of bodily autonomy. Being LBQT is an issue of bodily autonomy. Abortion is an LGBT issue.” Parker Molloy, journalist and a transgender woman.

Safe abortion is a medical procedure that anyone who can become pregnant can have, including LBQT persons. In Kenya, there’s a heteronormative assumption that only cis-heterosexual women and girls deserve safe abortion access and information, thereby erasing our experiences and fuelling abortion stigma and discrimination within and in the larger the LGBTQ community.

Contrary to misinformation, LBQT people can become pregnant because sexuality and gender are fluid and people love and have sex with people of varying gender identities. Like straight cisgender people who end up pregnant for one reason or another and have abortions, sexual and gender minority persons assigned female at birth can get and do get pregnant and may want to seek safe abortion services. Additionally LBQT persons might experience sexual assault that heighten the risk of unplanned pregnancies that would require safe abortion services.

This activity brought LBQT persons from Kisumu County-Kenya, to create awareness and bring visibility on the need of inclusion of LBQT persons in safe- abortion agenda. This was in partnership with Trans Support CBO